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Tag: violin

Silta played by Clive Williams and Mark Prescott

Mark and I played this in the garden for the Vaults Bar lockdown session (we’re still in Covid lockdown for those viewing this in 10 years time) – this is the first time we’ve been able to play together for 4-5 months. Despite being April, it snowed – you’ll see the snow at the end of the video… so this is all we got to play.

Silta was written by finnish accordion player, Markku Lepisto.

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La Seduisante played by Vivant

This 5 time waltz is another Stephane Delicq tune, which Mark and I are working up at the minute. With the lockdown restarting things are on pause for a bit, but we recorded this a week ago for the Vaults Bar lockdown session a few days before lockdown started again.

I’m playing the Van der Aa Compact III in G/C.

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Nadieja played by Vivant

This mazurka was written by Stephane Delicq, whose music I’m very much into at the moment; learning up quite a few of his tunes. We haven’t recorded this on our CDs (yet) – who knows perhaps one day we will. If you’re interested in seeing what we have recorded visit

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Dorset 4 Hand Reel played by Vivant

A slowed down version of the Dorset 4 Hand Reel played on melodeon and violin by myself and my friend Mark Prescott. A spur of the moment recording to see what we could do with it, and for uploading as my contribution to’s tune of the month for April 2019.

I’m playing a Castagnari Mory in D/G; Mark’s playing… um, a violin!

Mark and I play as a duo, Vivant – our website is here:

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Vivre, played by Vivant

Vivant are Mark Prescott (violin) and Clive Williams (melodeon). This video is taken from our live concert at Stony Stratford St Mary and St Giles church in June 2013 – the sound is recorded live acoustically to minidisc from a microphone in the audience (no PA system) and has had no audio effects added to it – what you hear is how it sounded to our audience!

This piece, Vivre, was composed by Stephane Delicq.

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