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Sir Sidney Smith’s March – A Tutorial

This is a fantastic tune, and’s tune of the month for December 2023. Quite tricky, so here I break it down to its individual bits, and take you through how to play it.

I’m playing it on a D/G Hohner Pokerwork, so it should work on any 2 row 8 bass box. On my melodeon, it’s a 3rd button start, the basses have the thirds taped off, and the B bass note is an octave lower than most boxes. Doesn’t matter for this tune of course.

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Schottische a Bethanie – D/G melodeon tutorial 3 of 3

Part 3: More ornamentation – held notes; held chords; pulsed basses

See my other videos for parts 1 and 2, and for the original recording of the tune in C/F played at full speed.

Fingering, chords, ornamentation and bass tips for Schottische a Bethanie,’s tune of the month March 2010.

Played by Clive Williams on a Hohner Pokerwork in D/G.
Good luck!

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Schottische a Bethanie – D/G Melodeon Tutorial 2 of 3

Part 2: Schottische rhythms, ornamentations on treble and bass

See my other videos for parts 1 and 3, and for the original recording of the tune in C/F played at full speed.

Fingering, chords, ornamentation and bass tips for Schottische a Bethanie,’s tune of the month March 2010.

Played by Clive Williams on a Hohner Pokerwork in D/G.
Good luck!

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