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Tag: fiddle

Silta played by Clive Williams and Mark Prescott

Mark and I played this in the garden for the Vaults Bar lockdown session (we’re still in Covid lockdown for those viewing this in 10 years time) – this is the first time we’ve been able to play together for 4-5 months. Despite being April, it snowed – you’ll see the snow at the end of the video… so this is all we got to play.

Silta was written by finnish accordion player, Markku Lepisto.

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Nadieja played by Vivant

This mazurka was written by Stephane Delicq, whose music I’m very much into at the moment; learning up quite a few of his tunes. We haven’t recorded this on our CDs (yet) – who knows perhaps one day we will. If you’re interested in seeing what we have recorded visit

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Dorset 4 Hand Reel played by Vivant

A slowed down version of the Dorset 4 Hand Reel played on melodeon and violin by myself and my friend Mark Prescott. A spur of the moment recording to see what we could do with it, and for uploading as my contribution to’s tune of the month for April 2019.

I’m playing a Castagnari Mory in D/G; Mark’s playing… um, a violin!

Mark and I play as a duo, Vivant – our website is here:

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Old Christmas Morning

A take on French Carpenter’s ‘Old Christmas Morning’ – an amazing crooked Old Time fiddle tune from West Virginia. Learned off David Bragger’s excellent tutorial videos, here:

Played for’s theme of the month for December 2016, Christmas/Winter tunes on a Van der Aa Compact III in G/C.

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Derriere les Carreaux / Knife Edge played by Vivant

2 schottishes; the first written by Frederic Paris; the second a reworking of the Knife Edge Polka (but a Schottische). Part of’s theme of the month for June 2011 – Duets and Collaborations. Vivant are Mark Prescott (violin) and Clive Williams (melodeon). The melodeon is a 1930’s Hohner Club in C/F. Recorded live at St Mary and St Giles Church, Stony Stratford, June 2011.

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