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Tag: blowzabella


Famous and wonderful waltz written by Andy Cutting; with many, many different versions of it out there. Here’s my reasonably straightforward take on it for’s tune of the month for December 2015. Played on a Van der Aa in G/C (so it the tune comes out in Am).

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Rose of Raby

Dave Shepherd’s wonderful mazurka is tune of the month at this month, so here it is in C minor, played on a Bb/Eb Hohner Preciosa 12 bass. I’ve had to learn 3 completely new chords to play this tune – it’s been quite hard! Thanks to Dave for letting us use his great tune!

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Here’s an alternate version of this great tune by Nigel Eaton, played on a Hohner Preciosa in Bb/Eb.

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In Continental Mood (Jig)

A jig version of Andy Cutting’s beautiful waltz, In Continental Mood. Played on a Hohner 1930’s melodeon in G/C; tune of the month for February 2013.

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In Continental Mood Mazurka

A reworking of Andy Cutting’s ‘In Continental Mood’, played as a mazurka, and in harmonic minor. Somewhat different to the original! Theme of the Month for January 2012, Mazurkas

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