A lovely tune written by Catherine Fraser, a scots-style, but Australian, fiddler. The hills are the Rimutaka Ranges that surround YMCA Camp Kaitoke in New Zealand. Learned from the playing of Talisk, who normally play it in E, but I’m playing it in the more session friendly key of D here.
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This is a fantastic tune, and melodeon.net’s tune of the month for December 2023. Quite tricky, so here I break it down to its individual bits, and take you through how to play it.
I’m playing it on a D/G Hohner Pokerwork, so it should work on any 2 row 8 bass box. On my melodeon, it’s a 3rd button start, the basses have the thirds taped off, and the B bass note is an octave lower than most boxes. Doesn’t matter for this tune of course.
Comments closedOllie King’s tune, which is tune of the month for July 2023 over at melodeon.net. Quite hard to figure out a way to play this without having the full range of low notes, so I’ve gone for playing it (mostly) in the upper octave.
Played on a D/G Castagnari Giasco I in D; I believe the original is written in G.
Comments closedA northumbrian slip jig, melodeon.net’s tune of the month for June 2023. Played on a Bb/Eb Hohner Preciosa, in (I think) F minor.
Comments closedA nice straightforward jig for Melodeon.net’s tune of the month for January 2023. Here played in Bb on a Bb/Eb Hohner Preciosa.
Comments closedAlso known as Para Handy’s, since it was used as the theme for the 1990’s remake of Tales of Para Handy on scottish TV. Written by accordion genius Phil Cunningham.
Played, rather tangentially, for melodeon.net’s theme of the month for October 2022, tunes whose names start with P.
Played on a standard, albeit dry tuned, Hohner Pokerwork in D/G.
Comments closedA re-run of this melodeon.net tune of the month from 2011. 11 years on, I wonder if I play it any differently? This time I’m on a G/C Albrecht Liliput – a gorgeous little box that excels at this sort of stuff.
Traditional french apparently, discovered (rather than written as I previously thought) by Fred Paris.
Comments closedA quick go at this John Spiers tune, played on a Hohner Pokerwork (of course). Great tune, and an alltime classic I think. Pleasantly surprised to find I can play it 🙂
Melodeon.net theme of the month for February 2022, ‘Tunes that start with J’ – we’re working our way through the alphabet!
Comments closedAlways liked this tune; this month’s melodeon.net theme of ‘tunes with names that start with J’ gives me the perfect excuse. Written by Stephane Delicq, of course, and I learned this of Massimo Craveri’s fantastic video whose videos are about as perfect a demo of the tune as we could possibly hope for. Inaccuracies are mine, and not his. Haven’t spent long learning this tune yet (30 mins!) so I’m not fluent yet, but here’s where I’ve got to so far.
Played on a Van der Aa Compact III in G/C, but this will fit on a standard 2 row 8 bass like pretty much all of Stephane’s music.
Comments closedHere’s a tune written by Josephine Marsh; lovely tune, usually played a bit quicker than my approach – I’m going for a slow march here. Am playing it in the upper octave in G on a D/G Castagnari Mory, though I have a few things on my bass to make things a little easier than it would be on a usual 8 bass box.
Melodeon.net tune of the month for Feb 2022.
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