2 cracking tunes written by Albion Band guitarist Ken Nicol, and taken from the Albion Band album A Batter Pudding for John Keats. A contribution for melodeon.net’s theme of the month for March 2022, tunes that start with the letter K (working our way through the alphabet!)
Melodeon.net’s tune of the month for March 2022, this classic bal waltz written by, and named for, French gurdy maestro Patrick Bouffard. Played on a Hohner Lucia in D/G.
A lovely tune written by Ola Bäckström and on the Swap album ‘Mosquito Hunter’ (you can hear the original on Spotify) played for Melodeon.net’s theme of the month for January 2022, tunes with names starting with the letter I. Never played this before, and quite a tricky structure to it – 3 parter, with the A and C part sounding very similar, but with an ever so slightly different structure. Nightmare to get right consistently, and I do get it wrong once here. Can you hear where?
Played on a Hohner Lucia in D/G, though it works just fine on a standard 2 row in D/G too.
OK, what’s this one called? A tune I’ve known for years and years, but don’t know the name. I *think* it comes from the playing of Marc Perrone, but have no idea why I think that, apart that I *might* have learned it at a folkworks workshop a very, very, long time ago. I’ve not got any recording of Marc playing it, and I’ve got quite a few of his albums. Nice tune though, so it’ll make a good recording for the Vaults Bar lockdown session 🙂
Hello all – a couple of tunes for the Vaults Bar lockdown session; learned these 2 off the Old Hat Dance Band CD from (I think) 1992 which is full or ridiculously catchy tunes, just like these.
Played on a converted Hohner Lucia in D/G, though these should play fine on any box – certainly doesn’t need a stradella bass.
2 tunes, one of which I’ve just learned, one of which I’ve known for goodness knows how many years but never played in ‘public’ before.
I learned the first in the traditional way, off youtube (Will Allen’s channel), and the second from a Folkworks workshop when I was just starting playing 30 years ago or so. I can’t promise to be playing Philippe Bruneau’s with anything like the Quebecois punch of the master, and to be honest, I’m not particularly trying to put a Quebec spin on it. I’m just playing a tune I thought would go nicely with Turel’s.
Played for the Vaults Bar virtual session, during the Covid 19 2020 lockdown. The melodeon is a D/G/Accidentals conversion of a Hohner Lucia CBA, though I’m only playing on the D row. It is a blazingly fast box, and great at stuff like this.