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Month: June 2021

Rain on the Woodpile

Here’s another tune! Half-learned up for a theme, still working on the other half of the set, Terminus. This tune (and Terminus, when I eventually learn it) are both Rob Harbron compositions.

Played on a Castagnari Giasco I in D/G.

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Florinda / Organdi

2 tunes written by Gilles Chabenat, learned from the playing of Andy Cutting. Played in D on a Castagnari Giasco I in D/G.

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Mary’s Waltz

A trad Cajun waltz learned many years ago from a fab guitar break by Ian Carr when he played in Kathryn Tickell’s band.

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Fai Ton Tra

A tune from the repertoire of Gaston Pouget played by Durif/Champeval on ’Dans les rochers du Viallaneix’ – thanks to Dave Shepherd for the info. Been playing it for years without knowing exactly where it came from, but it’s very much (and best as) a french fiddle tune. The Durif/Champeval CD is on Spotify by the way, and is *fantastic*.

Played for the Vaults Bar session 2021 on a Van der Aa Compact III in G/C.

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The Dream

A fantastic waltz by English gurdy player Cliff Stapleton, also known as The Dream Waltz. Not a tune I usually play solo; I used to play it in bands a bit, but tried it the other day on the Van der Aa in G/C, and it came out quite nicely. Played for the theme of the month for July 2021.

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This month’s tune of the month at, Machynlleth – a Welsh 4 part polka. Fairly straightforward to play; my biggest problem with learning this one was confusing the 2nd and 4th parts.

Played on a G/C Kay Albrecht converted Hohner Liliput.

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