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Rydeen’s theme of the month for November 2020 is tunes you wouldn’t expect on the melodeon; this is a cover of a great piece of electronic music by the Yellow Magic Orchestra, written by Yukihiro Takahashi. I learned it a long time ago because it’s the soundtrack to the arcade game Super Locomotive which I played a lot in my youth (a long time ago). You can see a video of the arcade game, and its frankly fantastic soundtrack here

I’ve had to rework it slightly to play on the 2 row 8 bass melodeon, especially the 3rd part, which I’ve simplified the last bar of. I’ve also dropped the 4th part which as far as I can tell is simply lots of electronic zapping sounds!

Played on a Hohner Club I in C/F, which puts in the original key (I think!) of D minor.