Another piece played for the Vaults Lockdown online session. It’s by Andy Cutting, of course and another of his pieces that’s dropped into the trad repertoire.
Played on a Castagnari Mory in D/G, in the key of G.
Comments closedAn Index of Clive Williams' Melodeon Videos from YouTube
Another piece played for the Vaults Lockdown online session. It’s by Andy Cutting, of course and another of his pieces that’s dropped into the trad repertoire.
Played on a Castagnari Mory in D/G, in the key of G.
Comments closedRecorded for the Vaults Bar virtual sessions during the Covid-19 lockdown of 2020. I’m recording/have recorded every set I’d typically play in a session, and this one does come out from time to time.
Comments closedAnother recording for the Vaults Bar lockdown session; here’s a set of slow jigs I play out from time to time. Surprised to find I hadn’t recorded Mrs Casey’s yet 🙂
Played on a Castagnari Mory in D/G, in the key of G.
Comments closedI’m having another go at’s tune of the month, this time in D because I wasn’t happy with the recording quality on my first go earlier in the month.
This go is on a Castagnari Giasco in D/G, and recorded directly onto phone, warts and all. This is a Roger Tallroth tune, of Vasen fame.
Comments closedAnother lockdown take of a couple of tunes I play a *lot* in sessions. 2x 32 bar jigs in D, that go really together.
Played on a Castagnari Giasco I in D/G.
Comments closedAnother tune for the virtual Vaults Bar session during the Covid 19 ‘happening’ in August 2020 where I’m recording one by one each of the sets I’m quite likely to play down the session. A lovely air written by Chris Wood, 30 years ago. Where does the time go?
Played on a Castagnari Mory in D/G.
Comments closedA tune played for’s theme of the month for August 2020, Civil Engineering 🙂
This was written by Jon Swayne of Blowzabella, on a motorway.
Played on a Van der Aa Compact III melodeon in G/C.
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