Another in a short series of videos where I play through some of the tune sets I do in sessions regularly.
Played on a Hohner Pokerwork in D/G.
Comments closedAn Index of Clive Williams' Melodeon Videos from YouTube
Another in a short series of videos where I play through some of the tune sets I do in sessions regularly.
Played on a Hohner Pokerwork in D/G.
Comments closedAnother lock down video, played on Horsefair Green in Stony Stratford
[[[ For those in the future, it’s currently June 2020, and social distancing is in place! No playing together indoors – the only way we can play together is outside. ]]]
I’m on a Castagnari Mory melodeon in D/G, and Mark’s on a … violin.
Comments closedI heard this tune on Will Allen’s facebook feed, and it’s also on Dave Shepherd and Becky Price’s album Ashburnham. Trad English, with a very, very unfortunately topical name.
[[[ For those watching in the future, it’s currently June 2020, we’re in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, and Dominic Cummings has just blown up the whole strategy of lockdown to control it by deciding to take his family 250 miles due north in the middle of the lockdown, while ill, and then go on a 30 mile day trip to “check his eyesight” to Barnard Castle. Honestly, check the wiki page. It’s hysterical. ]]]
Part of’s theme of the month for June 2020, “The Great Outdoors”, and played on a Streb electronic melodeon. I think we’re in C melodic minor.
Comments closedAnother in a short series of session tune sets being played as part of our local session at Stony Stratford’s Vaults Bar virtual group. Am recording (gradually) each of the tune sets I typically play at sessions – the repertoire is a little different to what i normally play on my channel, since being in a sensible key and good to join in with is important.
These 2 waltzes are Orange In Bloom (aka Sherbourne Waltz), and Chris Wood’s tune Ville de Quebec.
Played on a Hohner Pokerwork in D/G
Comments’s tune of the month for June 2020 is Tor Albrigtsen’s waltz; here played on a dry tuned 1920’s Hohner in G/C. It seems nicely suited to the tune I think
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