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Month: August 2019

The Wounded Huzzar

Also known as Captain O’Kane, and originally composed by O’Carolan. A beautiful air, learned from the playing of Leveret as part of’s theme for August 2019, ‘Tunes you’ve just learned’ and played on a Castagnari Mory in D/G.

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Si Dolce è’l Tormento

A beautiful piece by Monteverdi, written in 1624 and originally a madrigal/song, here reworked for melodeon. Part of’s tune of the month for August 2019 ‘Tunes you’ve just learned’ and played on a Castagnari Mory in D/G

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Tripping Upstairs Hornpipe

Whoops! I accidentally ran this tune of the month twice (it ran last year too), so here’s a ‘different’ version of it, switched to 4/4 and played as a quickish hornpipe. tune of the month (again) for August 2019 and played on a Castagnari Mory in D/G

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