This comes from the playing of John Dipper and Dave Malkin, who play an exquisite version on their album ‘ Tricks of the Trade’. I believe it is based on a traditional tune, but John and Dave have given it a radical rewrite and turned it into something really quite beautiful… when they play it anyway!’s theme of the month for May 2019 is Morris Tunes, and this is my contribution – to see how close I could get to the musicality of John and Dave’s version. Really quite hard, and the melodeon face is much in evidence. There’s still a lot of work to do on this to get it close, but it’s not bad for a week or two’s work.
Comments closedMonth: May 2019’s tune of the month for May 2019 is Sandy’s tune ‘The Fighting Temeraire’. I’m playing this on a Bb/Eb Hohner Preciosa which seems to suit it very nicely. Nice one Sandy 🙂
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