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La Bataille sur Le Petit Arbre

Theme of the Month for in July is ‘Tunes from Somewhere Else’ – tunes from places or cultures you don’t normally play. Well, I can’t play cajun music for love nor money, but this cajun waltz is just a corker. I learned it off the playing of one of the early Kathryn Tickell Band incarrnations, to which this is fairly accurate, but the original original cajun version is nothing like this. You can hear it, but it’s clearly changed feel and style in the translation to Kathryn. She learned it from the Boat Band, a cajun band from Cheshire if I recall. Played on a Castagnari Mory in D/G… though being cajun in origin, this is in A mixolydian. It relies on a low G note, without which you can’t do the turn around at the end of each section.