A discussion/demonstration of how I play this tune on a Hohner Pokerwork in D/G for Melodeon.net; melodeon.net tune of the month for April 2013.
Comments closedMonth: April 2013
Melodeon.net’s Tune of the Month for April 2013, here played simply on a D/G Hohner Pokerwork melodeon. I play 4xA, 2xB music; no particular reason for that, other than I happen to like it.
A walk through video of how I play it should follow shortly…
Comments closed2 slow jigs; one of which is relevant to Melodeon.net’s theme of the month for April 2013, ‘Trip to…’ tunes! Out on the Ocean is a traditional Irish jig; Trip to Cheltenham was written by John Shepherd, who was then with the Albion Band (in about 1990 I think). Played on a Castagnari Mory in D/G with semi-unisonoric basses.
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