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Month: January 2013

About Time

Another lovely 5 times waltz, this time by Helena Torpy, taken from her duet album with Steve Turner, “Sideways Air”. Helena writes some amazing tunes. Played on a Castagnari Mory in D/G; part of’s theme of the month for January 2013, 5 times waltzes.

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A beautiful 5 time waltz written by my good friend Chris Shaw of GIG CB! 5X as in 4X as in beer. Played on a Hohner Preciosa in Bb/Eb; part of’s Theme of the Month for January 2013, 5 time waltzes.

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Spirit of the Dance

A simple rendition of Spirit of the Dance, played on a Hohner Pokerwork melodeon in D/G. A traditional English dance tune of course. tune of the month for January 2013.

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