A reworking of the East Anglian polka ‘Oh Joe the Boat is Going Over’ into a french style bourree. This mostly involves changing the music to mixolydian mode and playing with a bourree style. Played on a Hohner 1930’s Club in C/F (so the tune comes out in C Mixolydian). Melodeon.net Tune of the Month for September 2011.
Comments closedMonth: September 2011
A double tracked version of Chris Shaw’s 48 bar jig, Willow Express. Part of melodeon.net’s theme of the month 48 Bar Jigs. As played by GIGCB (lots), and here played on a Castagnari Mory in D/G.
Comments closedFor melodeon.net’s Theme of the Month, September 2011 -48 bar jigs. A version of the Bouchard Quadrille, turned into a 48 bar jig by sticking the B music from Marche Duverner on the end. One of the catchiest, earwormiest tunes I know.
I assume these are traditional, though I expect Mr Bouchard probably had some role in either writing it or popularising it!
Played on a Castagnari Mory in D/G.
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